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Second, we will examine the debate about guest worker programs, in part by examining the German experience and lessons with Turkish guest workers, as well as the various such programs found today in the Persian Gulf states. We will also consider the on-going debate in the U.S. surrounding the continued use and possible expansion of temporary work visas. Finally, we will explore the issue of human trafficking and recent international attempts to police this activity. Office Hours in the COVID-Era Office hours are dedicated student access time during which faculty are required to be in their offices so that students may come by to ask questions related to the course or any other topic (e.g., graduate school, summer internships, informal advising ). Ordinarily, appointments are not required, and students may just walk-in; however, in light of social distancing guidelines in place this fall, all faculty will be holding virtual office hours via Zoom, and this necessitates a few changes. My office hours can be accessed via a link on the course homepage in Sakai. To ensure student confidentially, students will first enter the waiting room, meetings will not be recorded, and unless a group request is made, they will be one-on-one. Synchronous and Asynchronous Meetings An online course does offer some advantages as well as greater flexibility. To take advantage of this, we will rely on two types of online sessions. First, there will be synchronous meetings where you and I will be online together at the same time; these will be conducted via Zoom. Second, there are asynchronous sessions where you will be online by yourself at a time of your own choosing. The general format will be for the lectures to be viewed asynchronously at your own pace, and for live streamed (synchronous) discussion sessions to be held each Thursday during our scheduled time slot of 1:15-2:30 PM CST (i.e., Chicago-time). This means that we will not meet on Tuesdays most weeks. However, in light of when the midterm exam falls and some topic considerations, there will be some weeks where we will meet on Tuesday. The schedule is below and reproduced within Sakai. Rather than ask you to watch a 75-minute Zoom lecture twice a week, a series of shorter videos will be posted on Sakai. Essentially, each daily lecture has been broken up into a series of shorter videos rather than one longer one. The lectures are labeled, Week 1 Lecture A, Week 1 Lecture B, and so on. Do not be put off by the number of lectures listed; in total they add up to what I would normally present in a face-to-face class. The time it will take you watch them, however, will be less than 75 minutes as there is no discussion or exchange taking place as there would be in person. That will all take place during our Zoom meetings. You can link to these Zoom meetings via the courses Sakai homepage. Again, these meetings will be devoted entirely to discussion and review of the topics raised that week. It is estimated that these meetings will each last about 30 minutes and will be no longer than 75 minutes (i.e., the Zoom meetings will end no later than the class normally scheduled time). While ҹAV has  HYPERLINK "/ool/onlinecourseguidelines/guidelinesforrecordingstudentsduringonlineclasses/" policies governing recorded session to ensure student privacy, in the interest of promoting frank and open discussion, I will not be recording the Zoom sessions. If you are in a time zone that makes it impractical for you to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. Assignments There are six assignments in this class. First, each student must submit an abstract and preliminary bibliography for his or her final paper by October 1st. An abstract is a 250 word or less statement outlining the research question and the proposed thesis that answers this central question. It should also briefly describe how this argument will be supported in terms of methodology (i.e., a case-study, large-N statistical model ); both your methodology and data sources should be clearly conveyed. Students are strongly advised to review any journal, such as the American Political Science Review, that contains an abstract for each article. Such journals are available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org" www.jstor.org from any on-campus computer (or off-campus via library proxy); students need only read the abstract at the beginning of each article. After reading several, it will be obvious how to compose one yourself as they all follow the same basic pattern. The preliminary bibliography does not need to be annotated. This assignment will be used to approve your final paper topic. Second, an online midterm exam will be held on October 8th. The exam will consist of four sections: fill-in the blank, multiple choice, true/false, and matching. Students will have a degree of choice within each section. Third, a final paper is due on November 19th. The paper is expected to be ~6-8 pages and can be on any topic broadly related to the subject of immigration. Students are advised to pick something they are personally interested in learning more about. The abstract due in October will be used to approve your choice of topic and to provide initial guidance on refining the basic question posed in the paper. Fourth, all students will give an oral presentation of their final paper at the end of the term (November 17, November 19, December 1, or December 3). Each presentation must be accompanied by a PowerPoint or other visual presentation and should be no more than 9 minutes in length. We will attempt to have eight students present each day. Fifth, a final exam will be held during exam week or rescheduled by the registrars office. The Registrar has the final say as to when the exam will be held; the entire  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/adaemics/schedules" academic calendar is available on-line, as is the  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/schedules/spring/exam_schedule.shtml" exam schedule. The final is not cumulative and will follow the same format was the midterm. Finally, active participation in class discussions and debates is expected. Please note that attendance and participation are not the same thing. The assignments are weighted as follows: Abstract 5% Midterm 20% Paper 25% Presentation 20% Final Exam 20% Participation 10% Grades The following grading system will be used, with plusses and minuses added: A Excellent work, papers (essays) are well written and argued with a clear thesis that is well supported throughout. Written work is clear, concise, and devoid of errors (grammatical, lack of citation ). While all papers can be revised endlessly, no immediate, obvious or quick changes would improve the caliber of the work. Participation in class discussions is consistent and thoughtful. B Good overall, although could stand improvement in places. Arguments typically require greater elaboration or support. Written work is often unclear or vague in places, either due to a lack of conceptual clarity, or simply a writing style that is difficult to follow at times. Class participation is good, although not as consistent or forthcoming as from other students in the class. C The work is acceptable, however, suffers from numerous shortcomings that detract from the overall effort. Arguments are often ill supported and typically vaguely explained. Written work could stand substantial revision and improvement for clarity, basic grammar, citation/reference requirements, and overall presentation. Active participation in class discussion is often minimal, though occasionally present. D The minimum acceptable level to receive credit. Written work is weakly presented in terms of both clarity and accessibility, meaning that it is often difficult to follow or determine just what is being argued. Little to no supporting evidence is presented, and there are often large leaps of logic that raise questions as to the students understanding of the concepts under discussion. Papers often reflect serious difficulties with written English, raising concerns about the students ability to successfully graduate from college without significant improvement. Despite these weaknesses, however, the effort rises above the level needed to receive credit for the assignment. F Failure to meet the standards expected of students at ҹAV. The exams are graded out of 100 points, with questions varying in point value. The following scale is used to convert points into letter grades, which is how grades are recorded by the Registrar: plus = -9, -8, -7; whole letter grade = -6, -5, -4, -3; minus = -2, -1, -0. Example: 77 = C+, 83 = B, 91 = A-. The two written assignments are graded on a letter grade scale and converted to points using the middle of each range for the purposes of calculating your overall grade. This means, for example, that papers marked as an A- are recorded mathematically as 91, B+ papers as 88, and C papers as 75 and so forth. Final course grades reflect the weighted average of the assignments as listed above and follow the universitys grade system as outlined in the course catalog. Barring a medical emergency or similar situation, no extensions will be granted on any assignment. Late assignments are docked 5 points for each 24-hr period after class ends on the date the assignment is due. If after ten days, no assignment has been received, a zero will be recorded. All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. All instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in at least a failed grade on the assignment, if not the entire course. All infractions are reported to the Dean for Student Academic Affairs for further disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from ҹAV University. The universitys policies related to academic integrity are list in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/catalog/undergrad/reg.shtml" catalog. All findings of academic misconduct are entered into a students university record and may be disclosed to graduate schools, state bar examiners, and others with a legitimate reason to inquire. Traveling athletes are reminded to provide me with a copy of their travel schedules and any conflicting tournaments as soon as they become available. Only officially sanctioned university events will be considered. Readings There are no required textbooks for this course; the reading assignments are comprised of articles and extracts that are all available electronically. Electronic links to articles are accessible via an electronic version of this syllabus that will be posted on the course home page within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. All readings marked (ERES) are available for download from as electronic reserves from within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. Links to other webpages are embedded in this syllabus, which again, can be downloaded. All readings marked either (JSTOR) or (Academic Search Premier) must be accessed from a ҹAV University server, either on-campus, or off-campus via a proxy. Please consult the  HYPERLINK "http://libraries.luc.edu/offcampus" library if you need help. You should never need to pay for access to an article; if you come across such a request, you should be able to access the article in question through the university library, which has already paid for your access. This may arise if you attempt to link from off-campus. Complete citations have been given below should you need to locate an article through the librarys servers. All material in this course is copyrighted by someone; students may not share course materials with anyone outside of the class without my written permission. On-line links to publicly available websites (i.e., no login required) may be shared with anyone. Each class session is marked in 1 of 3 ways: On Your Own: You should watch the recorded lectures and read the articles listed on your own (asynchronously). They will be discussed at the next Zoom (synchronous) class meeting. Zoom: Synchronous meeting held online via Zoom at 1:15 PM CST on that date. You should come having watched the recorded lectures and done the reading assignments listed for that day (if any). The meeting will be used solely for discussion of both this new material and any as-yet undiscussed asynchronous material (likely from earlier in the week that you have already viewed and read on your own). Sakai: Exams will be given synchronously via Sakai, that is they must be completed online within Sakai during our regularly scheduled class time: 1:15-2:30 PM CST. The final exam will be likewise conducted online in a time block yet to be determined by the registrar. Introduction Week 1 8/25/20 Course Introduction Zoom No reading assignments 8/27/20 States, Citizenship, and Migration Zoom E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/30044348"Benhabib, Seyla. 2005. Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship, PS: Political Science and Politics, 38(4): 673-7. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Howard, Marc Morje. 2006. Comparative Citizenship: An Agenda for Cross-national Research, Perspectives on Politics, 4(3), 443-55. Recommended (not required): Blake, Michael. 2013. Immigration, Jurisdiction, and Exclusion. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 42)2): 103-30. Carens, Joseph. 1987. Aliens and Citizens. Review of Politics, 49: 251-73. Citrin, Jack and John Sides. 2008. Immigration and the Imagined Community in Europe and the United States. Political Studies, 56(1): 33-56 Koopmans, Ruud and Ines Michalowski. 2017. Why do states extend rights to immigrants? Institutional settings and historical legacies across 44 countries worldwide. Comparative Political Studies 50(1): 41-74. Parker, Owen. 2017. Commercializing Citizenship in Crisis EU: The Case of Immigrant Investor Programmes, Journal of Common Market Studies. 55(2): 332-48. E-Link (Harvard): HYPERLINK "https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674032712"Schachar, Ayelet. 2009. The Birthright Lottery. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Smith, Rogers. 2009. Birthright Citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 and 2008. Journal of Constitutional Law, 11(5). E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/202182"Torpey, John. 1998. Coming and Going: On the State Monopolization of the Legitimate Means of Movement, Sociological Theory, 16(3): 239-59. Week 2 9/1/20 Why do People Migrate? On Your Own E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "https://academic.oup.com/jtm/article/25/1/tay040/5056445" Castelli, Francesco. 2018. Drivers of Migration: why do people move? Journal of Travel Medicine, 25(1): 1-7. E-link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Castle, Stephen and Mark Miller. 1998. The Migration Process and the Formation of Ethnic Minorities, in The Age of Migration, 2nd Ed. New York: Guilford Press. pp. 18-42. 9/3/20 Arguments For and Against Immigration Zoom E-Link (Annual Reviews): HYPERLINK "https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-polisci-082317-093019"Song, Sarah. 2018. Political Theories of Migration. Annual Review of Political Science, 21(1): 385402. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Moses, Jonathon W. 2006. An Economic Argument, in International Migration: globalizations last frontier. New York: Zed Books. pp. 105-35. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Moses, Jonathon W. 2006. Who Opposes Free Migration? in International Migration: globalizations last frontier. New York: Zed Books. pp. 136-63. Week 3 9/8/20 The Question of Assimilation On Your Own E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Scott, William and Ruth Scott. 1989. Summary: predictors of adaptive outcomes in Adaptation of Immigrants: individual differences and determinants. New York: Pergamon. pp. 145-72. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-7162%28199311%29530%3C122%3AIAD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E" Glazer, Nathan. 1993. "Is Assimilation Dead?" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 530: 122-36. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"The Economist. 2006. The Uncomfortable politics of identity. October 21, 2006, 68.  Recommended (not required) Alba, Richard and Nancy Foner. 2014. Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the Grand Narratives Tell Us? International Migration Review, 48(1): 263-91. Lee, Riane L. and Susan T. Fiske. 2006. "Not an Out-Group, Not Yet an In-group: Immigrants in the Stereotype Content Model." International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30(6): 751-68. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Scott, William and Ruth Scott. 1989. Outcomes and Predictors: an overview in Adaptation of Immigrants: individual differences and determinants. New York: Pergamon. pp. 19-40 9/10/20 Laws, Language, and the Politics of Assimilation Zoom E-Link (Univ. of Frankfurt o.d.O): HYPERLINK "http://tires.euv-frankfurt-o.de/data/pdf-doc/brubaker_assimilation.pdf."Brubaker, Rogers. 2001. The Return of Assimilation? Changing perspectives on immigration and its sequels in France, Germany, and the United States. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 24(4): 531-48. E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/1601246"Safran, William. 1992. Language, Ideology, and State-Building: a comparison of policies in France, Israel, and the Soviet Union. International Political Science Review, 13(4): 397-414. Recommended (not required) E-Link (web): Pavlenko, Aneta. 2008. Multilingualism in Post-Soviet Countries: language revival, language removal, and sociolinguistic theory. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11(3&4): 275-314. E-Link (Blackwell Pub.): HYPERLINK "http://www.google.com/www.blackwell-synergy.com%2Fdoi%2Fpdf%2F10.1111%2Fj.0020-7985.2004.00307.x&ei=hXgWR4f3DITAxALdmN3KAw&usg=AFQjCNFNuHpuyjTR5kUv6HdiWfBCGgbY6g&sig2=rTmsxcLWD-P8OoFtfUPUhA"Freedman, Jane. 2004. Secularism as a Barrier to Integration? The French dilemma. International Migration, 42(3): 5-27. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Basdevant-Gaudemet, Brigitte. 2005. Islam in France in The Legal Treatment of Islamic Minorities in Europe. Roberta Aluffi and Giovanna Zincone, Eds. Leuven: Peeters, pp 59-81. Week 4 915/20 Hunting for Talent On Your Own E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Economist. 2016. Why Points-based Immigration Systems Dont Work. July 12, 2016. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "https://www.everycrsreport.com/files/20070904_RL34030_d17932023347c94cdab4fb403d28ce96512c1a89.pdf" Wasem, Ruth and Chad Haddal. 2007. Point Systems for Immigration Selection: options and issues, CRS Report RL34030, September 4. Congressional Research Service. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Kapur, Devsh and John McHale. 2005. The International Competition for Talent in Give Us Your Best and Brightest: the global hunt for talent and its impact on the developing world. Washington DC: Center for Global Development, pp. 36-58. Recommended (not required) E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Kapur, Devsh and John McHale. 2005. Why Is Immigration Policy Becoming More Skilled Focused? in Give Us Your Best and Brightest: the global hunt for talent and its impact on the developing world. Washington DC: Center for Global Development, pp. 58-72 E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Chellaraj, Gnanaraj et al. 2006. Skilled Immigrants, Higher Education, and U.S. Innovation in International Migration, remittances and the Brain Drain. aglar zden and Maurice Schiff, Eds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 245-57. 9/17/20 Losing Talent: the brain drain & development Zoom E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Kapur, Devsh and John McHale. 2005. Financial Remittances and Development in Give Us Your Best and Brightest: the global hunt for talent and its impact on the developing world. Washington DC: Center for Global Development, pp. 132-62. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Commander, Simon et al. 2004. The Brain Drain: curse or boom? a survey of the literature in Challenges to Globalization: analyzing the economics. Robert Baldwin and L. Alan Winters, Eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 235-78. E-Link (IMF):  HYPERLINK "http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/wp98102.pdf" Carrington, William and Enrica Detragiache. 1998. How Extensive is the Brain Drain ? IMF Working Paper, No. 102, July 1998. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. Week 5 9/22/20 Illegal Immigration On Your Own E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Davis, Bob. 2016. Illegal Immigrations Thorny Economics. The Wall Street Journal, Februrary 9, A1. E-Link (CQ Press):  HYPERLINK "http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre2005050600&action=delfav&time=1162526912160&" Katel, Peter. 2005. Do illegal workers help or hurt the economy? May 6, 2005. CQ Researcher, 15(17): on-line edition. E-Link (Project Muse):  HYPERLINK "http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/world_politics/v050/50.2joppke.html" Joppke, Christian. 1998. Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration. World Politics, 50(2): 266-93. Recommended (not required) E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20061101faessay85606/tamar-jacoby/immigration-nation.html" Jacoby, Tamar. 2006. Immigration Nation. Foreign Affairs, Nov/December 2006. on-line edition. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Economist. 2006. Immigration: dont fence us in. October 21, 2006, 31-2. 9/24/20 National Security and Immigration Zoom E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "ttps://www.jstor.org/stable/24577527" Messina, Anthony. 2014. Securitizing Immigration in the Age of Terror. World Politics, 66(3): 530-59. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/4137542" Adamson, Fiona. 2006. Crossing Borders: International Migration and National Security. International Security, 31(1): 165-99. Week 6 9/29/20 Amnesty, Asylum and Human Rights On Your Own E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Karamanidou, Lena and Liza Schuster. 2012. Realizing Ones Rights Under the 1951 Convention 60 Years On: A Review of Practical Constraints on Accessing Protection in Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies, 25(2): 169-92. E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/2546427"Goodwin-Gill, Guy. 1989. International Law and Human Rights: trends concerning international migrants and refugees. International Migration Review, 23(3): 526-46. Recommend (not required) E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Geddes, Andrew. 2000. Immigration and asylum policy after the Single European Act, in Immigration and European Integration: towards fortress Europe. New York: St. Martins Press, pp. 67-85. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Perez, Miguel. 2002. Resident illegal immigrants should be given amnesty, in Illegal Immigration: opposing viewpoints. William Dudley, Ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, pp. 120-3. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Feder, Don. 2002. Illegal immigrants should not be given amnesty, in Illegal Immigration: opposing viewpoints. William Dudley, Ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, pp. 124-7. 10/1/20 Refugees and Migration to the European Union Zoom E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep19673" Tagliapietra, Alberto. 2019. The European Migration Crisis: a pendulum between the internal and external dimensions. IAI Papers 19, Istituto Affari Internazionali.  E-Link (BBC):  HYPERLINK "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34131911" BBC. 2016. Migration Crisis: Migration to Europe Explained in Seven Charts, March 4, 2016. Recommended (not required): Hampshire, James. 2016. European migration governance since the Lisbon treaty. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Affairs, 42(4): 537-53. Guiraudon, Virginie. 2000. European Integration and Migration Policy: Vertical Policy-making as Venue Shopping. Journal of Common Market Studies, 38(2): 251-71. Week 7 10/6/20 Immigration & Public Finances Zoom E-Link (U.S. Fed.):  HYPERLINK "https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/files/el2010-26.pdf" Peri, Giovanni. 2010. The Effects of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity. Federal Reserve Bank of San Franciso, Economic Letter, August 30. E-link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Hanson, Gordon et al. 2007. Public Finance and Individual Preferences over Globalization Strategies. Economics and Politics, 19(1): 1-33. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/2547004" Martin, Philip. 1995. Proposition 187 in California. The International Migration Review, 29(1): 255-63. Recommended (not required) E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Auerbach, Alan and Philip Oreopoulos. 1999. Analyzing the fiscal impact of U.S. immigration. American Economic Review, 89(2): 17680. dAlbis, Hippolyte et al. 2019. Immigration and public finances in OECD countries. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 99(2): 116-51. Bean, Frank D. and Gillian Stevens. 2003. Immigrant Welfare Receipt: Implications for Policy. Chapter 4 in Americas Newcomers and the Dynamics of Diversity. New York: Russell Sage. Giulietti, Corrado et al. 2012. Unemployment benefits and immigration: evidence from the EU. International Journal of Manpower, 34(1): 2438. 10/8/20 Exam I Sakai Week 8 10/13/20 Public Attitudes Outside the U.S. Toward Immigration On Your Own E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Valentino, Nicholas et al. 2019. Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide British Journal of Political Science, 49(4): 1201-26. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Hainmueller, Jens and Daniel Hopkins. 2014. Public Attitudes Toward Immigration. Annual Review of Political Science, 17(1): 225-49. Recommended (not required) Bansak, Kirk et al. 2016. How Economic, Humanitarian, and Religious Concerns Shape European Attitudes Towards Asylum Seekers. Science, 354(6309): 217-22. Hainmueller, Jens and Dominic Hangartner. 2013. Who Gets A Swiss Passport? A natural experiment in immigrant discrimination. American Political Science Review, 107(1): 159-87. Citrin, Jack and John Sides. 2008. Immigration and the Imagined Community in Europe and the United States. Political Studies, 56: 33-56. Simon, Rita J. and James Lynch. 1999. "A Comparative Assessment of Public Opinion toward Immigrants and Immigration Practices." International Migration Review, 33(2): 455-67. Wright, Matthew et al. 2016. Public Attitudes Toward Immigration Policy Across the Legal/Illegal Divide: the role of categorical and attribute-based decision making. Political Behavior, 38(1): 229-53 10/15/20 Public Attitudes in the U.S. Toward Immigration Zoom E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Nakamura, David. 2018. Alien or Dreamer? Foes linguistic rift complicates debate on immigration. The Washington Post, January 21. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Flores, Ren D. 2017. "Do Anti-Immigrant Laws Shape Public Sentiment? A Study of Arizona's SB 1070 Using Twitter Data." American Journal of Sociology, 123(2): 333-84. E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/586489"Hood, M.V. and Irwin Moss. 1998. Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, But Makes Sure They Have a Green Card: the effects of documented and undocumented migrant context on Anglo opinion toward immigration. Political Behavior, 20(1): 1-15 Recommended (not required): Hainmueller, Jens and Michael Hiscox. 2010. Attitudes Toward Highly Skilled and Low-Skilled Immigration: evidence from a survey experiment. American Political Science Review, 104(1): 61-84. Hopkins, Daniel. 2010. Politicized Places: explaining where and when immigrants provoke local opposition. American Political Science Review, 104(1): 40-60. Suro, Roberto. 2009. Americas Views of Immigration: The Evidence from Public Opinion Surveys. in Migration, Public Opinion, and Politics, 1st Ed., pp. 52-76. Bertelsmann Stiftung and Migration Policy Institute. Washington, DC: The Transatlantic Council on Migration. Burns, Peter, and James G. Gimpel. 2000. "Economic Insecurity, Prejudicial Stereotypes, and Public Opinion on Immigration Policy." Political Science Quarterly, 115: 201-25. Freeman, Gary P. 1995. Modes of Immigration Politics in Liberal Democratic States, International Migration Review, 29(4), 881-902 Week 9 10/20/20 The Politics of Resentment On Your Own E-link (web):  HYPERLINK "https://ssrn.com/abstract=2727101" Davis, Lewis and Sumit S. Deole. 2015. Immigration, Attitudes and the Rise of the Political Right: The Role of Cultural and Economic Concerns Over Immigration. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5680. December 23, 2015; Posted February 4, 2016. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/422034" Bertz, Hans-Georg. 1993. The New Politics of Resentment: Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe. Comparative Politics, 25(4): 413-27. Recommended (not required) Mudde, Cas. 2013. Three decades of populist radical right parties in Western Europe: So what? European Journal of Political Research, 52: 1-19.  HYPERLINK "http://mediamattersaction.org/reports/fearandloathing/online_version." Waldman, Paul et al. 2008. Fear and Loathing in Prime Time: Immigration Myths and Cable News. Media Matters Action Network. Gadarian, Shana Kushner and Bethany Albertson. 2014. Anxiety, Immigration, and the Search for Information. Political Psychology, 35(2): 133-64 10/22/20 Squaring the Circle? the future of immigration reform Zoom E-Link (web): HYPERLINK "https://www.the-american-interest.com/2017/04/18/immigration-reform-hard-but-not-impossible/"Schuck, Peter. 2017. Immigration Reform: Hard, But Not Impossible. The American Interest, April E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Abraham, Spencer and Lee Hamilton, Co-Chairs. 2006. Attracting the Immigrants the United States Wants and Needs, in Immigration and Americas Future: a new chapter. Report of the Independent Task Force on Immigration and Americas Future. Migration Policy Institute. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 31-43. Week 10 10/27/20 Guest Worker Programs in Europe On Your Own E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/27645633" Castle, Stephen. 2006. Guestworkers in Europe: a resurrection? International Migration Review, 40(4): 741-66. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0197-9183%28198523%2919%3A3%3C517%3ATGWS-T%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E" Castle, Stephen. 1985. The Guests Who Stayed the debate on foreigners policy in the German Federal Republic. International Migration Review, 19(3): 517-34. Recommended (not required) E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Martin, Philip. 1991. Turkish Labour Emigration, in The Unfinished Story: Turkish labour migration to Western Europe. Geneva: International Labor Organization, pp. 21-42. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Martin Philip. 1991. The Contributions of Turkish Workers to Host Countries, in The Unfinished Story: Turkish labour migration to Western Europe. Geneva: International Labor Organization, pp. 63-85. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0197-9183%28198624%2920%3A4%3C761%3ATGIWE-%3E2.0.CO%3B2-5"  Castle, Stephen. 1986. The Guest-Worker in Western-Europe an obituary. International Migration Review, 20(4): 761-78. 10/29/20 Guest Worker Programs in the Gulf Zoom E-Link (ERES). HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Gardezi, Hassan. 1997. Asian Workers in the Gulf States of the Middle East, in International Labour Migrations. B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Von Elling Borlaria, Eds. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 99-120. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0197-9183%28198624%2920%3A4%3C815%3AFWIKIF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2" Shah, Nasra. 1986. Foreign Workers in Kuwait: implications for the Kuwaiti labor force. International Migration Review, 20(4): 815-32. Recommended (not required): E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Longva, Anh Nga. 1997. Kuwait Through History: a tradition of migration and open networks, in Walls Built on Sand: migration, exclusion, and society in Kuwait. Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 19-41. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Longva, Anh Nga. 1997. The Politics of Exclusion, in Walls Built on Sand: migration, exclusion, and society in Kuwait. Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 43-75 Week 11 11/3/20 Guest Worker Programs in the U.S. On Your Own E-Link (Academic Search Premier):  HYPERLINK "http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=5&hid=106&sid=b57f4a05-8749-4abe-85af-9e7c86d5ba65%40sessionmgr103" Martin, Philip and Michael Teitelbaum. 2001. The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers. Foreign Affairs, 80(6): 117-31. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0197-9183%28198624%2920%3A4%3C995%3AT%22OIRT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B" Briggs, Vernon. 1986. The "Albatross" of Immigration Reform: Temporary Worker Policy in the United States. International Migration Review, 20(4): 995-1019. Recommended (not required): E- Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?ID=205" Meissner, Doris. 2004. U.S. Temporary Worker Programs: Lessons Learned. Migration Information Source. March 1, 2004. Washington, DC. On-line edition. E-Link (Cato Inst.):  HYPERLINK "http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=3638" Griswold, Daniel T. 2002. Willing Workers: Fixing the Problem of Illegal Mexican Migration to the United States. Cato Institute, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Trade Policy Analysis No.19. October 15, 2002. On-line edition. (28 pages) E-Link (CIS):  HYPERLINK "http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/back204.html" Krikorian, Mark. 2004. Flawed Assumptions Underlying Guestworker Programs. Backgrounder, Center for Immigration Studies, February. On-line edition. (12 pages) 11/5/20 The H1-B Visa Debate Zoom E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Lenard, Patti and Christine Straehle. 2010. "Temporary Labour Migration: Exploitation, Tool of Development, or Both?" Policy and Society, 29(3): 283-94. E-Link (UCSD): HYPERLINK "https://ccis.ucsd.edu/_files/wp11.pdf"Usdansky, Margaret and Thomas Espenshade. 2000. The H-1B Visa Debate in Historical Perspective: the evolution of U.S. policy toward foreign-born workers. CCIS Working Papers No. 11, May 2000. Week 12 11/10/20 Human Trafficking On Your Own E-Link (FMR): HYPERLINK "https://www.fmreview.org/"Bhabha, Jacqueline, and Monette Zard. 2006. "Smuggled or Trafficked?" Forced Migration Review, 25: 68. E-Link (Academic Search Premier): HYPERLINK "http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/results?vid=3&hid=105&sid=ecb3ca97-0730-4439-80a3-107e82ba9354%40sessionmgr105"Van Impe, Kristof. 2000. People for Sale: The Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach towards Human Trafficking. International Migration, 38(3): 113-31. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Aronowitz, Alexis. 2001. Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: the phenomenon, the markets that drive it and the organizations that promote it. European Journal of Criminal Policy Research, 9(2): 163-95. Recommended (not required) Gozdziak, El|bieta and Elizabeth Collett. 2005.  Research on human trafficking in North America: A review of literature. International Migration 43(1): 99-128. E-Link (Academic Search Premier):  HYPERLINK "http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/results?vid=3&hid=105&sid=ecb3ca97-0730-4439-80a3-107e82ba9354%40sessionmgr105" Skeldon, Ronald. 2000. Trafficking: A Perspective from Asia. International Migration, 38(3): 7-29. E-Link (Academic Search Premier):  HYPERLINK "http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/results?vid=3&hid=105&sid=ecb3ca97-0730-4439-80a3-107e82ba9354%40sessionmgr105" Salt, John. 2000. Trafficking and Human Smuggling: A European Perspective. International Migration, 38(3): 31-55. E-Link (Google Books):  HYPERLINK "https://books.google.com/books?id=Be4YBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA1&hl=en" \l "v=onepage&q&f=false" Kara, Siddharth. 2014. "Bonded Labor: An Overview." Chapter 1 in Bonded Labor: Tackling the System of Slavery in South Asia. NY: Columbia University Press. Chacon, J. M. (2010). Tensions and trade-offs: Protecting trafficking victims in the era of immigration enforcement. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 158(6), 1609-1653. Chapkis, Wendy 2003 Trafficking, Migration, and the Law: Protecting Innocents, Punishing Immigrants. Gender and Society, 17: 923-37. Gallagher, Anne. 2001. Human Rights and the UN Protocols on Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling: A Preliminary Analysis. Human Rights Quarterly, 23(4): 975-1004. 11/12/20 Human Trafficking in the U.S. Zoom Video: HYPERLINK "https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/trafficked-in-america/"Frontline. 2018. Trafficked in America. April 24, 2018. Boston: WGBH E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Obuah, Emmanuel. 2006. Combating Global Trafficking in Persons: the Role of the United States Post-September 2001. International Politics, 43(2): 241-65 Week 13 11/17/20 Presentation Day 1 Zoom 11/19/20 Presentation Day 2 Zoom Week 14 11/24/20 No Class: Happy Turkey! 11/26/20 No Class: Happy Turkey! Week 15 12/1/20 Presentation Day 3 Zoom 12/3/20 Presentation Day 4 Zoom FINAL EXAM: TBA by the Registrars Office Sakai      PAGE 2  PAGE 3 /0PUY[hqru        # $ ( ) + A B H I L M [ ] ^ f g Ͻjh&phUjh&phUhh&ph5>*h>Ihbh'qhth| h5h&ph5jh&ph5U h&ph=Phru ) ^  ]gd'q` ^`gd|$a$gd@gd$a$gdNgd 6 < B C N U < U     + < > L O Z a f j l    & ' 5 > ? @ C D T k s z h{Oh>I h>I>*hh'qh:hl~h* h&phjh&phUh&ph0JM   '01BKLNXw "$%)348ADEIYfhFxh'q>* ht>* h<O>* h>Ih>IhC`hthNvqhh>IS9>CDNX`eps/IOU !/45OVYZ{|} =CY\`hlvyh=oh|th<OhHlh0hkhth%X  "*3?ABCHNUV\]lmqwz~27?ILpz h%hHlhkhl~hhh?h2h<Oh|thfxh=oT"*.1349BJPQ]abdflpy>ABCNOUgpqr h<Oh<Oh?hrhfxh=oh-FhhhS0h2hHlhhFxh<Oh|tI'(4rs  e!f!+#,#####$$ @ ^@ `gdzgd`gd$@&gdgdgd<O]gd<O]gd|tCNOST`v &'(4;<>A^;h: hDhh@hhh>*h<OhL]h?hHlhdhh<Oh<O0Jjh<Oh<OU h<Oh<Ojh<Oh<OU@;<;<Dp   ;<;<CDrsûhhH*h-FhmawhDh0JjDhDhUjhDhUhDh6h hDhJCD      C D Y o q z { | !! !!!!!-!;!C!D!K!N!c!e!f!l!!!!!"""""C"D"E"jhDhUhdh'qh-Fh:h hDhhhH*hX* 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